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The power of a little yellow flag….

13 Sep

What a game loss ~ Dallas Cowboy Game!  Sad day in the Johnson home.

Graduation Day!!

29 May

Sarah, my youngest, graduates from Round Rock High school today!  We are really proud of her and know that God has a exciting path ahead. YEAH~~CONGRATULATIONS!

Yes, it was a fun day even if it took forever for our guests to get into the building ~

Here are some pictures of the exciting event!

SENIOR 2010.

Graduation Party at our home.

Spring Is In the Air….

10 Mar

I love different seasons. Unfortunately, here In Austin Texas, we really do not have distinct season changes. Not to say that you cannot experience 80 degrees In the morning and by 4 pm 40 degress. The say around here, that If you dont like the weather this hour just wait and few hours and It will be totally different feel! I have been thinking about seeds lately that we have Inside of us regarding the destiny of God In our lives. There are different times for different seeds to start germinating, growing and producing fruit. Change Is not always easy and doing something that has been dormant for awhile In our hearts can also be scary. Time waits for no man so make sure you guard your seed, grow your seed and produce as much fruit that you can from that seed.  Mike preached a great sermon on Sunday regarding being In agreement with the destiny that God has placed Inside of us and one day when It Is all over, we will be empty and satisfied!  “Agreement with God”

The kids and I had fun last night when we attended the “Prom Fashion Show at Round Rock High School. Sarah looked beautiful In her Zebra dress and how grateful I am to have such blessings from God with these three kiddos!

Happy Children!

Festivities, Fun and Family

14 Dec

November was a great month with our family visiting Wichita, Ks. for a few days and then having a great Thanksgiving in our home with some friends. This has been a great December too with my sister, Ann and her husband, Rob arriving from South Africa for a 6 week visit!  The first thing we did after unpacking and having a good nights sleep, was off to the mall to have a family portrait taken.  It was very successful and lots of fun was had by all.  The weather has been rather chilly this month so watching over our plants and pipes has been exciting!  My sister and her hubby went to LA for a week and we did some much needed Christmas shopping.  This past Sunday we had our Christmas play at the church, which Kristen wrote and directed – it was amazing and ministered to us all.  Then that evening we went to watch the Riverdance at the Bass Concert Hall downtown.  It was such a great night of entertainment and we loved every minute of it.  So much is planned with my birthday and Rob’s this month, Christmas and then off to Port Arkansas for a week.  Things for our home are moving along, we just need a buyer for ours now, so say a prayer.  House decorated, brownies cooked, dinner eaten and wheel of fortune, what more could we ask for tonight as we sit around and chat away ~

News Bulletin…

2 Nov


Sarah was inducted into the National Honor Society at Round Rock High tonight!

I am very proud of her and wish that her dad had been here to celebrate with us but I guess China was a little far at such short notice!!

Take a look at all the pictures!

October has come and gone……

1 Nov

Kristen & Jeremy.

With my husband being in Chengdu, China, ministering to the underground church along with Flint and Jack, it leaves me kind of in charge around here.  Not something I really love as it does require some responsibility that I am not always confident in doing.  BUT GOD….. people see me as a confident person but no… humblyI admit that is only by the grace of God can I do anything!  Our Wild West Fall Fest was a great success at the church and I thank God for the amazing gifts the Lord has placed in my daughter, Kristen and her hubby, Jeremy, to do such great things for the Lord!  Wow, blessed – husband in China, teaching and training, kids here ministering for the Lord and me fulfilling the call of the Kingdom – I am blessed, what can I say!!!  Not without some tests along the way.  The night before the guys were leaving, my hubby goes out to shuffle vehicles so that he has the SUV ready out in the drive to zoom off to the airport at 4:45am the next morning.  Dead car!!  Not a good thing as we are not mechanics.  After placing the battery charger on the appropriate prongs, bingo, the vehicle starts the next morning.  Come to find out that someone had not closed the back hatch all the way, which promptly ran the battery down!   Not to my surprise, a few days before my hubby was to leave, our water pressure in the house becomes chronic, as in ‘none’!  He leaves it in my hands to deal with, thanks….. I was convinced that it was the water softener but was promptly told no by all advisers, it has to be a leak somewhere in the yard.  Called a plumber or two but was not convinced that one was needed especially seeing that just coming out to take a look would cost over $100.00, that I could really spend somewhere else.  I then called the city of RR and they send the water department out within 30 minutes and had the problem fixed in 3 minutes!!!  Yes, it was the water softener which still lays dead in the garage but thanks to a bypass switch that the kind gentleman from the water department told me about, we can now shower and rinse the shampoo out of our hair  – yeah, I love it when I am right 🙂

“What is it?”

19 Oct

I love how God links twheat2hings together from the beginning of time. Lamentations 3:22-26  It speaks about His mercies being new every morning and and how He provides it daily for us.  Going back to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness and the Lord providing Manna every morning, daily. They could not gather up more than they needed or keep any for the next day as it would sour, rot.  God promised new Manna each day and gave them just what they needed to survive. Manna means, ‘what is it’?   We need to know, ‘what is it?’  that i need each day from the word of God to walk through today.  I need fresh bread daily to sustain me and fill me.  I cannot live on bread that i received yesterday, it has to be fresh each morning.  “Give us this day our daily bread?”  When i was little living in South Africa, I remember my brother-in-law, Rob, coming home each day with “The Daily News” paper and a fresh hot loaf of bread.  You see, the bread over there did not have any preservatives in it, it went stale each day so we made sure that there was fresh bread baked and bought each day.  We did not enjoy the stale, day old bread as much as the warm, fresh fulfilling slices of bread each morning.  We need fresh Manna each day in our lives, to deal with what we have to face today, new revelation, encouragement and grace.  Make it a habit to spend time in the presence of the Lord daily as He shares what you need.  He is THE bread of life, taste and see that The Lord is good!!

Birthday Boy….

10 Oct

a02 Last week we celebrated Daniels birthday and had a great dinner together at Outback! Time sure flies and I must say I have enjoyed every minute of his past 27 years. Not to say they have always been easy but I have sure tried to learn along the way. Daniel is about 5 years old in the picture here and was as blond as could be! We were living in South Africa at the time and worked with Durban Christian Center running their missions program. Daniel was a huge hit among the little Zulu guys as they loved messing with his blond hair! I know that God has His hand and call upon Daniel’s life and enjoying watching it unfold. I a thankful for the awesome children that God has blessed us with and know that His best is still ahead for each one of them.

Fall is here and full of fun….

28 Sep


It is has been a exciting few weeks with lots of fun and exciting things happening around here.  Our dedication service was a great success and here is a picture of our praise team leading us.  When I went up to share i was really surprised to see that the building was nearly full – Yeah!!  Last weekend 23 of us ladies went to CFNI Ladies Conference in Dallas, which was a great success.  I learned so much and was very refreshed, not to mention, getting to know so many ladies better.  The next big thing is our Ladies Bible study that is starting this Thursday night! We are doing a Beth Moore study on the Tabernacle and everyone is really looking forward to it.

Here is a picture of our ladies (and Joe Davila who goes to school there) while attended the CFNI Conference and enjoying the dance team.


The Lord is Good…..All the time!

19 Sep

It has been a very exciting few weeks with lots of good things happening in our lives.  Last week-end we had our dedication service for the extension on our new building and it was amazing to see the building almost full!  I was a little nervous as i thought we would feel very empty but that was not a problem.  We had the Henderson’s minister and it was a blessing.  For me, I had a friend come to visit for 3 days froP9020017m Houston, Susan Feinhandler.  It was so good to see her after 8 years!  We first met 29 years ago while attending CFNI in Dallas and have been friends ever since.  I am hoping that she moves here so pray that she finds a job 🙂  We are also in the process of buying a new home and it looks like all is a go. Pray for us that all goes well with us and the buyers of our home. This is very exciting as we really would like to live in a one story ~ we have to plan for the years ahead you know!  This past week was also time to visit with Sarah’s Rheumatoligist, who is her main specialist at this time.  After her contribution of many viles of blood for testing,  we were all anxious to hear the results.  On Thursday when we went in and visited with Dr. Carrasco, he was so elated with her blood work.  She is in range for all levels except one, which is expected to catch up a little slower, so no worries there ~ this is amazing and a miracle.  Sarah says that she feels the best she ever has since about the age of 11, right before she became ill.  Praise the Lord and now we are waiting for the complete healing as we walk through this season.  You can read Sarah’s full story here ~ you can also share your story here too!  Sarah also obtained her drivers license and has been gainfully employed at Sonic on 620!  Not sure if I could handle anymore excitement but try me!!  Daniel’s job is going well with Apple, he was the second highest in sales and customer service this past month and has managed not to be late for work, having to show up at 3:30 am everyday!!  Yeah God, He is so kind, faithful and merciful.